The Natural History Vol.1

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Extended description - Naturalis Historia Latin for Natural History is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from ...

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The Natural History Vol.1Naturalis Historia Latin for Natural History is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from ...

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Audio Titles

Play Item # 1

01 - Preface and The Life and Writings of Pliny, part 1

Play Item # 2

02 - The Life and Writings of Pliny, part 2

Play Item # 3

03 - Book 1, Dedication. - <i> C. Plinius Secundus to his friend Titus Vespasian </i>

Play Item # 4

04 - Book 2, Chapters 1-5 - <i> Whether the world be finite; Of the form of the world; Of its nature, whence the name is derived; Of the elements and the planets; Of God. </i>

Play Item # 5

05 - Book 2, Chapters 6-8 - <i> Of the nature of the stars; Of the motion of the planets; Of the eclipses of the moon and the sun; Of the magnitude of the stars </i>

Play Item # 6

06 - Book 2, Chapters 9-13 - <i>An account of the observations that have been made on the heavens by many individuals; On the recurrence of the eclipses of the sun and the moon; Of the motion of the moon; Of the motions of the planets; Why the same stars appear at some times more lofty and at other times more near </i>

Play Item # 7

07 - Book 2, Chapters 14-23 <i>Why the same stars have different motions; General laws of the planets; The reason why the stars are of different colours; Of the motion of the sun and the cause of the irregularity of the days; Why thunder is ascribed to Jupiter; Of the distance of the stars; Of the harmony of the stars; Of the dimensions of the world; Of the stars which appear suddenly, or of comets; Their nature, situation and species.</i>

Play Item # 8

08 - Book 2, Chapters 24-45 <i>The doctrine of Hipparchus about the stars; Examples from history of celestial prodigies; Of the colours of the sky and of celestial flame; Of celestial coronae; Of sudden circles; Of unusually long eclipses of the sun; Many suns; Many moons; Daylight in the night; Burning shields; An ominous appearance in the heaven, that was seen only once; Of stars which move about in various directions; Of the stars which are named Castor and Pollux; On the air and on the cause of the showers of stones; Of the stated seasons; Of the rising of the dog-star; Of teh regular influence of the different seasons; Of uncertain states of weather; Of thunder and lightining; The origin of winds; Various observations respecting winds </i>

Play Item # 9

09- Book 2, Chapters 46-55 <i>The different kinds of winds; The periods of the winds; Nature of the winds; Ecnephias and Typhon; Tornadoes; Blasting winds; Whirlwinds and other wonderful kinds of tempests; Of thunder - in what countries it does not fall and for what reason; Of the different kinds of lightining and their wonderful effects; The Etrurian and the Roman observations on this point; Of conjuring up thunder; General laws of lightning. </i>

Play Item # 10

10 - Book 2, Chapters 56-66 <i>Objects which are never struck; Showers of milk, blood, flesh, iron, wool and baked tiles; Rattling of arms and the sound of trumpets heard in the sky; Of stones that have fallen from the clouds; The rainbow; The nature of hail, snow, hoar, mist, dew; The forms of clouds; The peculiarities of the weather in different places; Nature of the earth; Of the form of the earth; Whether there be antipodes; How the water is connected with the earth; Of the navigation of the sea and rivers </i>

Play Item # 11

11 - Book 2 Chapters 67-77 <i>Whether the ocean surrounds the earth; What part of the world is inhabited; That the earth is in the middle of the world; Of the obliquity of the zones; Of the inequality of climates; In what places eclipses are invisible, and why this is the case; What regulates the daylight on the earth; remarks on dials as connected to this subject; When and where there are no shadows; Where this takes place twice in the year and where the shadows fall in the opposite direction; Where the days are the longest and where the shortest </i>

Play Item # 12

12 - Book 2, Chapters 78-96 <i>Of the first dial; Of the mode in which the days are computed; Of the difference of nations as depending on the nature of the world; Of earthquakes; Of clefts of the earth; Signs of an approaching earthquake; Preservatives against future earthquakes; Prodigies of the earth which have occurred once only; Wonderful circumstances attending earthquakes; In what places the sea has receded; The mode in which islands rise up; What islands have been formed, and at what periods; Lands which have been separated by the sea; Islands which have been united to the main land; Lands which have been totally changed into seas; Lands which have been swallowed up; Cities which have been absorbed by the sea; Of vents in the earth; Of certain lands which are always shaking, and of floating islands </i>

Play Item # 13

13 - Book 2, Chapters 97-106 <i>Places in which it never rains; The wonders of various countries collected together; Concerning the cause of the fowing and ebbing of the sea; Where the tides rise and fall in an unusual manner; Wonders of the sea; The power of the moon over the land and sea; The power of the sun; Why the sea is salt; Where the sea is the deepest ;The wonders of fountains and rivers</i>

Play Item # 14

14 - Book 2, Chapters 107-113, Summary <i>The wonders of fire and water united; Of Maltha; Of naphtha; Places which are always burning; Wonders of fire alone; The dimensions of the earth; The harmonical proportions of the universe; Summary; Roman authors quoted; Foreign authors quoted</i>

Play Item # 15

15 - Book 3, Introduction and Chapters 1-3 <i>Introduction; The boundaries and gulfs of Europe first set forth in a general way; Of Spain generally; Of Baetica</i>

Play Item # 16

16 - Book 3, Chapter 4 <i>Of Nearer Spain</i>

Play Item # 17

17 - Book 3, Chapters 5-7 <i>Of the province of Gallia Narbonensis; Of Italy; Of the ninth region of Italy </i>

Play Item # 18

18 - Book 3, Chapters 8-9 <i>The seventh region of Italy; The first region of Italy; The Tiber; Rome </i>

Play Item # 19

19- Book 3, Chapters 10-14 <i>The third region of Italy; Sixty-four islands, among which are the Baleares; Corsica; Sardinia; Sicily </i>

Play Item # 20

20 - Book 3, Chapters 15-17 <i>Magna Graecia, beginning at Locri; The second region of Italy; The fourth region of Italy </i>

Play Item # 21

21 - Book 3, Chapters 18-22 <i>The fifth region of Italy; The sixth region of Italy;The eighth region of Italy; The Padus; The eleventh region of Italy; Italia Transpadana; The tenth region of Italy</i>

Play Item # 22

22 - Book 3, Chapters 23-30 and Summary <i>Istria, its people and locality; The Alps and the Alpine nations; Liburnia and Illyricum; Dalmatia; The Norici; Pannonia; Moesia; Islands of the Ionic Sea and the Adriatic; Summary; Roman authors quoted; Foreign authors quoted</i>

Play Item # 23

23 - Book 4, Chapters 1-10 <i>Epirus; Acarnania; Aetolia; Locris and Phocis; The Peloponnesus; Achaia; Messenia; Laconia; Argolis; Arcadia</i>

Play Item # 24

24 - Book 4, Chapters 11-18 <i>Attica; Boeotia; Doris; Phthiotis; Thessaly Proper; Magnesia; Macedonia; Thrace; The Aegean Sea</i>

Play Item # 25

25 - Book 4, Chapters 19-25 <i>The islands which lie before the lands already mentioned; Crete; Euboeia; The Cyclades; The Sporades; The Hellespont - The lake Maeotis; Dacia, Sarmatia </i>

Play Item # 26

26 - Book 4, Chapters 26-30 <i>Scythia; The islands of the Euxine; The islands of the northern ocean; Germany; Ninety-six islands of the Gallic Ocean; Britannia</i>

Play Item # 27

27 - Books 4, Chapters 31-37 and Summary <i>Gallia Belgica; Gallia Lugdunensis; Gallia Aquitanica; Nearer Spain, its coast along the Gallic Ocean; Lusitania; The islands in the Atlantic Ocean; The general measurement of Europe; Summary; Roman authors quoted; Foreign authors quoted</i>

Play Item # 28

28 - Book 5, Chapters 1-3 <i>The two Mauritanias; Numidia; Africa</i>

Play Item # 29

29 - Book 5, Chapters 4-8 <i>The Syrtes; Cyrenaica; Libya Mareotis; the islands in the vicinity of Africa; Countries on the other side of Africa</i>

Play Item # 30

30 - Book 5, Chapters 9-13 <i>Egypt and Thebais; The River Nile; The cities of Egypt; The coasts of Arabia, situate on the Egyptian sea; Syria </i>

Play Item # 31

31 - Book 5, Chapters 14-19 <i>Idumaea, Palaestina and Samaria; Judaea; Decapolis; Phoenice; Syria Antiochia; The remaining parts of Syria</i>

Play Item # 32

32 - Book 5, Chapters 20-28 <i>The Euphrates; Syria upon the Euphrates; Cilicia and the adjoining nations; Isauria and the Homonades; Pisidia; Lycaonia; Pamphylia; Mount Taurus; Lycia</i>

Play Item # 33

33 - Book 5, Chapters 29-32 <i>Caria; Lydia; Ionia; Aeolis</i>

Play Item # 34

34 - Book 5, Chapters 33-39 <i>Troas and the adjoining nations; The islands which lie in front of Asia; Cyprus; Rhodes; Samos; Chios; Lesbos</i>

Play Item # 35

35 - Book 5, Chapters 40-44 and Summary <i> The Hellespont and Mysia; Phrygia; Galatia and the adjoining nations; Bithynia; The islands of the Propontis; Summary; Roman authors quoted; Foreign authors quoted</i>


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