Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch

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Extended description - This is a great book if you're looking for an adventure filled novel. It takes place during the Spanish Inquisition and describes some of the horrors that happened ...

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Lysbeth, a Tale of the DutchThis is a great book if you're looking for an adventure filled novel. It takes place during the Spanish Inquisition and describes some of the horrors that happened ...

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Audio Titles

Play Item # 1

00 - Introduction

Play Item # 2

01 - Bk1 Ch01 - The Wolf and the Badger

Play Item # 3

02 - Bk1 Ch02 - She Who Buys -Pays

Play Item # 4

03 - Bk1 Ch03 - Montalvo Wins a Trick

Play Item # 5

04 - Bk1 Ch04 - Three Wakings

Play Item # 6

05 - Bk1 Ch05 - The Dream of Dirk

Play Item # 7

06 - Bk1 Ch06 - The Betrothal of Lysbeth

Play Item # 8

07 - Bk1 Ch07 - Hendirk Brant Has a Visitor

Play Item # 9

08 - Bk1 Ch08 - The Mare's Stable

Play Item # 10

09 - Bk2 Ch09 - Adrian, Foy, and Martin the Red

Play Item # 11

10 - Bk2 Ch10 - Adrain Goes Out Hawking

Play Item # 12

11 - Bk2 Ch11 - Adrian Resuces Beauty in Distress

Play Item # 13

12 - Bk2 Ch12 - The Summons

Play Item # 14

13 - Bk2 Ch13 - Mother's Gifts are Good Gifts

Play Item # 15

14 - Bk2 Ch14 - Sword Silence Receives the Secret

Play Item # 16

15 - Bk2 Ch15 - Senor Ramiro

Play Item # 17

16 - Bk2 Ch16 - The Master

Play Item # 18

17 - Bk2 Ch17 - Betrothed

Play Item # 19

18 - Bk2 Ch18 - Foy Sees a Vision

Play Item # 20

19 - Bk2 Ch19 - The Fray in the Shot Tower

Play Item # 21

20 - Bk2 Ch20 - In the Gevangenhuis

Play Item # 22

21 - Bk2 Ch21 - How Martin Turned Coward

Play Item # 23

22 - Bk2 Ch22 - A Meeting and a Parting

Play Item # 24

23 - Bk3 Ch23 - Father and Son

Play Item # 25

24 - Bk3 Ch24 - Martha Preaches a Sermon and Tells a Secret

Play Item # 26

25 - Bk3 Ch25 - The Red Mill

Play Item # 27

26 - Bk3 Ch26 - The Bridegroom and the Bride

Play Item # 28

27 - Bk3 Ch27 - What Elsa Saw in the Moonlight

Play Item # 29

28 - Bk3 Ch28 - Atonement

Play Item # 30

29 - Bk3 Ch29 - Adrian Comes Home Again

Play Item # 31

30 - Bk3 Ch30 - Two Scenes


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