The Sea Wolf
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Extended description - The Sea-Wolf is a novel written in 1904 by American author Jack London.
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Audio Titles
Play Item # 1
01: I scarcely know where to begin
Play Item # 2
02: I seemed swinging in a a mighty
Play Item # 3
03: Wolf Larsen ceased swearing
Play Item # 4
04: What happened to me next
Play Item # 5
05: But my first night in the hunters' steerage
Play Item # 6
06: By the following morning the storm
Play Item # 7
07: At last, after three days of variable wind
Play Item # 8
08: Sometimes I think Wolf Larsen mad
Play Item # 9
09: Three days of rest, three blessed days
Play Item # 10
10: My intimacy with Wolf Larsen increases
Play Item # 11
11: The Ghost has attained the southernmost point
Play Item # 12
12: The last twenty-four hours have witnessed
Play Item # 13
13: For three days I did my own work, and Thomas
Play Item # 14
14: It has dawned upon me that I have never
Play Item # 15
15: There was a deal of cursing and groaning
Play Item # 16
16: I cannot say that the position of mate
Play Item # 17
17: Strange to say, in spite of the general foreboding,
Play Item # 18
18: The next day, while the storm was blowing itself out
Play Item # 19
19: I came on deck to find the Ghost heading up close
Play Item # 20
20: The remainder of the day passed uneventfully.
Play Item # 21
21: The chagrin Wolf Larsen felt from being ignored
Play Item # 22
22: I knew what it was as she came toward me.
Play Item # 23
23: Brave winds, blowing fair, swiftly drove the Ghost
Play Item # 24
24: Among the most vivid memories of my life
Play Item # 25
25: You've been on deck, Mr. Van Weyden,
Play Item # 26
26: Wolf Larsen took the distribution of the whiskey
Play Item # 27
27: Day broke, grey and chill.
Play Item # 28
28: There is no need of going into
Play Item # 29
29: Fool! I cried aloud in my vexation.
Play Item # 30
30: No wonder we called it Endeavour Island.
Play Item # 31
31: It will smell, I said, but it will keep in the heat
Play Item # 32
32: I awoke, oppressed by a mysterious sensation.
Play Item # 33
33: We waited all day for Wolf Larsen to come ashore.
Play Item # 34
34: It's too bad the Ghost has lost her masts.
Play Item # 35
35: Next day, the mast-steps clear, and everything in readiness,
Play Item # 36
36: For two days Maud and I ranged the sea
Play Item # 37
37: At once we moved aboard the Ghost,
Play Item # 38
38: I think my left side is going, Wolf Larsen wrote,
Play Item # 39
39: The day came for our departure.
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