Just Patty
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More Descriptions:
Extended description - Patty, Conny, and Priscilla are the best of friends, and roommates at boarding school. While the teachers might say they are mischievous, even troublemakers, Patty and her friends
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Audio Titles
Play Item # 1
01 - Reform
Play Item # 2
02 - The Romantic History of Cuthbert St. John
Play Item # 3
03 - The Virgil Strike
Play Item # 4
04 - The Third Man from the End
Play Item # 5
05 - The Flannigan Honeymoon
Play Item # 6
06 - The Silver Buckles
Play Item # 7
07 - Uncle Bobby
Play Item # 8
08 - The Society of Associated Sirens
Play Item # 9
09 - The Reformation of Kid McCoy
Play Item # 10
10 - Onions and Orchids
Play Item # 11
11 - The Lemon Pie and the Monkey-Wrench
Play Item # 12
12 - The Gypsy Trail
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