The Natural History Vol.2

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Extended description - Naturalis Historia Latin for Natural History is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from

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The Natural History Vol.2Naturalis Historia Latin for Natural History is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from

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Play Item # 1

01 - Book 6, Chapters 1-5: The Euxine and the Maryandini; Paphlagonia; Cappadocia; the region of Themiscyra and the nations therein; the region of Colica, the nations of the Achaei and other nations in the same parts

Play Item # 2

02 - Book 6, Chapters 6-14: The Cimmerian Bosporus; Lake Maeotis and the adjoining nations; the situation of Cappadocia; the Lesser and the Greater Armenia; the rivers Cyrus and Araxes; Albania, Iberia and adjoining nations; the passes of the Caucasus; the islands of the Euxine; nations in the vicinity of the Scythian Ocean

Play Item # 3

03 - Book 6, Chapters 15-20: The Caspian and Hyrcanean sea; Adiabene; Media and the Caspian Gates; nations situated around the Hyrcanian sea; the nations of Scythia and the countries on the Eastern Ocean; The Seres

Play Item # 4

04 - Book 6, Chapters 21-23: The nations of India; the Ganges; the Indus

Play Item # 5

05 - Book 6, Chapters 24-26: Taprobane; the Ariani and adjoining nations; voyages to India

Play Item # 6

06 - Book 6, Chapters 27-31: Carmania; the Persian and the Arabian Gulfs; the Parthian Empire; Mesopotamia; the Tigris

Play Item # 7

07 - Book 6, Chapters 32-34: Arabia; the gulfs of the Red Sea; Troglodytice

Play Item # 8

08 - Book 6, Chapters 35-37: Aethiopia; Islands of the Aethiopian Sea; the Fortunate Islands

Play Item # 9

09 - Book 6, Chapters 38-39: The comparative distances of places on the face of the earth; division of the earth into parallels and shadows of equal length; summary; Roman authors quoted; foreign authors quoted

Play Item # 10

10 - Book 7, Chapters 1-4: Man; the wonderful forms of different nations; marvellous births; the generation of man; the unusual duration of pregnancy; instances of it from seven to twelve months

Play Item # 11

11 - Book 7, Chapters 5-13: Indications of the sex of the child during the pregnancy of the mother; monstrous births; of those who have been cut out of the womb; who were called Vopisci; the conception and generation of man; striking instances of resemblance; what men are suited for generation; instances of very numerous offspring; at what age generation ceases; remarkables circumstances connected with the menstrual discharge

Play Item # 12

12 - Book 7, Chapters 14-23: The theory of generation; some account of the teeth and some facts concerning infants; examples of unusual size; chldren remarkable for their precocity; some remarkable properties of the body; instances of extraordinary strength; instances of remarkable agility; instances of acuteness of sight; instances of remarkable acuteness in hearing; instances of endurance of pain

Play Item # 13

13 - Book 7, Chapter 24-31: Memory; vigour of mind; clemency and greatness of mind; heroic exploits; union in the same person of three of the highest qualities with the greatest purity; instances of extreme courage; men of remarkable genius; men who have been remarkable for wisdom

Play Item # 14

14 - Book 7, Chapters 32-44: Precepts the most useful in life; divination; the man who was pronounced to be the most excellent; the most chaste matrons; instances of the highest degree of affection; names of men who have excelled in the arts, astrology, grammar and medicine; geometry and architecture; painting, engraving on bronze, marble and ivory, carving; slaves for which a high price has been given; supreme happiness; rare instances of good fortune continuing in the same family; remarkable example of vicissitudes; remarkable examples of honours

Play Item # 15

15 - Book 7, Chapters 45-50: Ten very fortunate circumstances which have happened to the same person; the misfortunes of Augustus; men whom the gods have pronounced to be the most happy; the man whom the gods ordered to be worshipped during his life-time; a remarkable flash of lightning; the greatest length of life; the variety of destinies at the birth of man

Play Item # 16

16 - Book 7, Chapters 51-56: Various instances of diseases; death; persons who have come to life again after being laid out for burial; instances of sudden death; burial; the Manes, or departed spirits of the soul

Play Item # 17

17 - Book 7, Chapter 57: The inventors of various things

Play Item # 18

18 - Book 7, Chapters 58-60: The things about which mankind first of all agreed; the ancient letters; when barbers were first employed; when the firsttime-pieces were made; summary; Roman authors quoted; foreign authors quoted

Play Item # 19

19 - Book 8, Chapters 1-12: Elephants: their capacity; when elephants were first put into harness; the docility of the elephant; wonderful things which have been done by the elephant; the instinct of wild animals when perceiving danger; when elephants were first seen in Italy; the combats of the elephants; the way in which elephants are caught; the method by which they are tamed; the birth of the elephant and other particulars respecting it; in what countries the elephant is found; the antipathy of the elephant and the dragon; the sagacity of these animals

Play Item # 20

20 - Book 8, Chapters 13-22: Dragons; serpents of remarkable size; the animals of Scythis; the bison; the animals of the north: the elk, the achlis and the bonasus; lions: how they are produced; the different species of lions; the peculiar character of the lion; who it was that first introduced combats of lions at Rome; wonderful feats performed by lions; a man recognized and saved by a dragon

Play Item # 21

21 - Book 8, Chapters 23-35: Panthers; the decree of the Senate, and laws respecting African animals; tigers: when first seen at Rome, their nature; camels: the different kinds; the cameleopard: when it was first seen at Rome; the chama and the cepus; the rhinoceros; the lynx, the sphynx, the crocotta and the monkey; the terrestrial animals of India; the animals of Aethiopia: a wild beast which kills with its eye; the serpents called basilisks; wolves; different kinds of serpents

Play Item # 22

22 - Book 8, Chapters 36-47: The ichneumon; the crocodile; the seincus; the hippopotamus; who first exhibited the hippopotamus and the crocodile at Rome; the medicinal remedies which have been borrowed from animals; prognostics of danger derived from animals; nations that have been exterminated by animals; the hyaena; the crocotta, the mantichora; wild asses; beavers; amphibious animals; otters

Play Item # 23

23 - Book 8, Chapters 48-56: Bramble-frogs; the sea-calf; beavers; lizards; stags; the chameleon; other animals which change colors; the tarandus, the lycaon and the thos; the porcupine; bears and their cubs; the mice of Pontus and of the Alps; hedgehogs

Play Item # 24

24 - Book 8, Chapters 57-69: The leontophonus and the lynx; badgers and squirrels; vipers and snails; lizards; the qualities of the dog; examples of its attachment to its master; nations which have kept dogs for the purpose of war; the generation of the dog; remedies against canine madness; the nature of the horse; the disposition of the horse; remarkable facts concerning chariot horses; the generation of the horse; mares impregnated by the wind; the ass: its generation; the nature of mules and of other beasts of burden

Play Item # 25

25 - Book 8, Chapters 70-76: Oxen: their generation; the Egyptian Apis; sheep and their propagation; the different kinds of wool and their colours; different kinds of cloth; the different shapes of sheep; the musmon; goats and their propagation

Play Item # 26

26 - Book 8, Chapters 77-84: The hog; the wild boar; who was the first to establish parks for wild animals; animals in a half-wild state; apes; the different species of hares; animals which are tamed in part only; places in which certain animals are not to be found; animals which injure strangers only, as also animals which injure the natives of the country only, and where they are found; summary; Roman authors quoted; foreign authors quoted

Play Item # 27

27 - Book 9, Chapters 1-6: Why the largest animals are found in the sea; the sea monsters of the Indian Ocean; the largest animals that are found in each ocean; the forms of Tritons and Nereids; the forms of sea-elephants; the balaena and the orca; whether fishes respire and whether they sleep

Play Item # 28

28 - Book 9, Chapters 7-16: Dolphins; human beings who have been beloved by dolphins; places where dolphins help men to fish; other wonderful things relating to dolphins; the tursio; turtles: the various kinds of turtles and where they are caught; who first invented the art of cutting tortoise shell; distribution of aquatic animals into various species; those which are covered with hair,or have none, and how they bring forth; sea-calves or phocae; how many kinds of fish there are

Play Item # 29

29 - Book 9, Chapters 17-24: which of the fishes are of the largest size; tunnies, cordyla and pelamides and the various parts of them that are salted; melandrya, apolecti and cybia; the aurias and the scomber; fishes which are never found in the Euxine; those which enter it and return; why fishes leap above the surface of the water; that auguries are derived from fishes; what kinds of fishes have no males; fishes which have a stone in their head; those which keep themselves concealed during winter

Play Item # 30

30 - Book 9, Chapters 25-37: Fishes which conceal themselves during the summer; the mullet; the acipenser; the lupus, the asellus; the scarus, the mustella; the various kinds of mullets and the sargus that attends them; enormous prices of some fish; that the same kinds are not everywhere equally esteemed; gills and scales; fishes which have a voice; fishes without gills; fishes which come on land; the proper time for catching fish; classification of fishes, according to the shape of the body; the fins of fish, and their mode of swimming

Play Item # 31

31 - Book 9, Chapters 38-49: Eels; the murena; various kinds of flat fish; the echeneis and its uses in enchantments; fishes which change their colour; fishes which fly above the water; the sea swallow; the fish that shines in the night; the horned fish; the sea-dragon; fishes which have no blood; fishes known as soft fish; the saepia, the loligo, the scallop; the polypus; the nautilus, or sailing polypus; the various kinds of polypi; their shrewdness; the sailing nauplius

Play Item # 32

32 - Book 9, Chapters 50-53: Sea-animals which are enclosed with a crust; the cray-fish; the various kinds of crabs; the pinnotheres; the sea urchin; cockles and scallops; various kinds of shell-fish; what numerous appliances of luxury are found in the sea

Play Item # 33

33 - Book 9, Chapters 54-59: pearls: how they are produced, and where; how pearls are found; the various kinds of pearls; remarkable facts connected with pearls - their nature; instances of the use of pearls; how pearls first came into use at Rome

Play Item # 34

34 - Book 9, Chapters 60-67: The nature of the murex and the purple; the different kinds of purples; how wools are dyed with the juices of the purple; when purple was first used at Rome; fabrics called conchyliated; the amethyst, the Tyrian, the hysgnian and the crimson tints; the pinna and the pinnotheres; the sensitiveness of water-animals; the torpedo, the pastinaca, the scolopendra, the glanis and the ram-fish

Play Item # 35

35 - Book 9, Chapters 68-78: Bodies which have a third nature, that of the animal and vegetable combined; the sea-nettle; sponges: the various kinds of them, and where they are produced; proofs that they are gifted with life by nature; dog-fish; fishes which are enclosed in a stony-shell; sea-animals which have no sensation; other animals which live in the mud; venomous sea-animals; the maladies of fishes; the generation of fishes; fishes which are both oviparous and viviparous; fishes the belly of which opens in spawning, and then closes again; fishes that have a womb; those which impregnate themselves; the longest lives known among fishes

Play Item # 36

36 - Book 9, Chapters 79-88: The first person that formed artificial oyster-beds; who was the first inventor of preserves for other fish; who invented preserves for murenae; who invented preserves for sea-snails; land-fishes; the mice of the Nile; how the fish called the anthias is taken; sea-stars; the marvellous properties of the dactylus; the anthipaties and sympathies that exist between aquatic animals; summary; Roman authors quoted; foreign authors quoted

Play Item # 37

37 - Book 10, Chapters 1-12: The ostrich; the phoenix; the different kinds of eagles; the natural characteristics of the eagle; when the eagle was first used as the standard of the Roman legions; an eagle which precipitated itself on the funeral pile of a girl; the vulture; the birds called sangualis and immusulus; hawks; the buteo; in what places hawks and men pursue the chase in company with each other; the only bird that is killed by those of its own kind; a bird that lays only one egg; the kite

Play Item # 38

38 - Book 10, Chapters 13-32: The classification of birds; crows; birds of ill omen; at what season they are not inauspicious; the raven; the horned owl; birds, the race of which is extinct or of which all knowledge has been lost; birds which are born with the tail first; the owlet; the wood-pecker of Mars; birds which have hooked talons; the peacock; who was the first to kill the peacock for food; who first taught the art of cramming them; the dunghill cock; how cocks are castrated; a cock that once spoke; the goose; who first taught us to use the liver of the goose for food; the Commagenian medicament; the chenalopex, the cheneros, the tetrao and the oris; cranes; storks; swans

Play Item # 39

39 - Book 10, Chapters 33-49: Foreign birds which visit us; swallows; birds that take their departure from us, and whither they go; birds which remains with us throughout the year; birds that remain with us only six or three months; the Memnonides; the Meleagrides; the Seleucides, the ibis; places in which certain birds are never found; the various kinds of birds which afford omens by their note; birds which change their colour and their voice; the nightingale; the melancoryphus; the erithacus and the phoenicurus; the oenanthe, the chlorion, the blackbird and the ibis; the times of incubation of birds; the halcyones: the halcyon days that are favourable to navigation; other kinds of aquatic birds; the instinctive cleverness displayed by birds in the construction of their nests; the wonderful works of the swallow

Play Item # 40

40 - Book 10, Chapters 50-62: The acanthyllis and other birds; the merops - partidges; pigeons; wonderful things done by them; prices at which they have been sold; different modes of flight and progression in birds; the birds called apodes or cypseli; respecting the food of birds - the caprimulgus, the platea; the instinct of birds - the carduelis, the taurus, the anthus; birds which speak - the parrot; the pie which feeds on acorns; a sedition that arose among the Roman people in consequence of a raven speaking; the birds of Diomedes; animals that can learn nothing

Play Item # 41

41 - Book 10, Chapters 63-81: The mode of drinking with birds; the porphyrio; the haematopous; the food of birds; the pelican; foreign birds: the phalerides, the pheasant and the numidicae; the phoenicopterus, the attagen, the phalacrocorax, the pyrrhocorax and the lagopus; the new birds; the vipio; fabulous birds; who first invented the art of cramming poultry: why the first Censors forbade this practice; who first invented aviaries; the dish of Aesopus; the generation of birds: other oviparous animals; the various kinds of eggs and their nature; defects in brood-hens and their remedies; an augury derived from eggs by an empress; the best kinds of fowls; the diseases of fowls and their remedies; when birds lay and how many eggs; the various kinds of herons; what eggs are called hypenemia and what cynosura; how eggs are best kept; the only winged animal that is viviparous and nurtures its young with milk

Play Item # 42

42 - Book 10, Chapters 82-98: Terrestrial animals that are oviparous; various kinds of serpents; generation of all kinds of terrestrial animals; the position of animals in the uterus; animals whose origin is still unknown; salamanders; animals which are born of beings that have not been born themselves - animals which are born themselves, but are not reproductive - animals which are of neither sex; the senses of animals - that all have the senses of touch and taste - those which are more remarkable for their sight, smell or hearing - moles - whether oysters have the sense of hearing; which fishes have the best hearing; which fishes have the finest sense of smell; diversities in the feeding of animals; animals which live on poisons; animals which live on earth - animals which will not die of hunger or thirst; diversities in the drinking of animals; antipathies of animals; proofs that they are sensible of frienship and other affections; instances of affection shown by serpents; the sleep of animals; what animals are subject to dreams;summary; Roman authors quoted; foreign authors quoted


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