The Fasti
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More Descriptions:
Extended description - The Fasti is a Latin poem in six books written by Ovid and believed to have been published in 8 AD. The Fasti is organized according to the Roman calendar and explains ...
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Audio Titles
Play Item # 1
01 - Book 1, 1-318: Introduction, Feast of Janus, Temples of Jove and Asculapius dedicated
Play Item # 2
02 - Book 1, 319-486: Cancer sets, Lyra rises, Jani Agonalia, Dolphin arises, Mid-Winter
Play Item # 3
03 - Book 1, 487-775: Festival of Carmentis and Juturna, Ides of January, Rites of Porrima and Postverta, Temple of Concordia, Sol in Aquarius, Sementivan Feasts, Castor and Pollux, Altar of Peace
Play Item # 4
04 - Book 2, 1-275: Introduction, Februarius, Temple of Sospita Consecrated, Lucaria, Dolphin sets, Ides, Arctophylax rises, Feast of Faunus, Corvus Crater and Hydra rise
Play Item # 5
05 - Book 2, 276-683: Lupercalia, Sol in Piscibus, Quirinalia, Feast of Fools and Fornicalia, Feralia, Feast of Dea Muta, Charistia
Play Item # 6
06 - Book 2, 684-919: Terminalia, Regifugium, Equiria in Campus Martius
Play Item # 7
07 - Book 3, 1-428: Introduction, Matronalia, Feast of Ancilia
Play Item # 8
08 - Book 3, 429-565: Piscis Notius sets, Feast of Vesta, Templum Vejovis, Pegasus rises, Ariadne's crown rises, Equiria by the Tiber
Play Item # 9
09 - Book 3, 566-945: Feast of Anna Perenna, The murder of Julius Caesar, Liberalia, Milvus rises, Minervae Captae Festum, Sol in Aries, Equinox, Feast of Luna
Play Item # 10
10 - Book 4, 1-436: Introduction, Venus celebrated, Fortuna Virilis celebrated, Pleiades set, Megalesia, Fortuna publica, Orion sets
Play Item # 11
11 - Book 4, 437-827: Cereal Games, Fordicidia, Circensian Games, Sol in Taurus
Play Item # 12
12 - Book 4, 828-1111: Palilia, Rome founded, Vinalia of Venus and Jove, Rubigalia, Feast of Vesta, Phoebus and Augustus
Play Item # 13
13 - Book 5, 1-202: Introduction, Capella rises, Rites of Bona Dea, Hyades rise
Play Item # 14
14 - Book 5, 203-557: Floralia, Centaur rises, Lemuria
Play Item # 15
15 - Book 5, 558-843: Orion sets, Feast of Mars Bisultor, Taurus rises, Feast of Mercury, Sol in Gemini, Agonalia, Tubilustria, Hyades rise
Play Item # 16
16 - Book 6, 1-295: Introduction, Feast of Carna, Temple to Juno Moneta, Temple to Bellona, Temple to Mens
Play Item # 17
17 - Book 6, 296-567: Vestalia, Altar to Juppiter Pistor,Palladium snatched from the fire, Delphin arises
Play Item # 18
18 - Book 6, 568-980: Matralia, Temple of Fortune Dedicated, Temple of Concord dedicated, Quinquatria Minoria, Orion rises, Feast of Fors Fortuna, Feast of Hercules and the Muses
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