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Tom Swift and His Motorcycle
Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat
Tom Swift and His War Tank
Tom Swift and His Wireless Message
Tom Swift and the Visitor From Planet X
Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders
Treasure Island
The Tree of Appomattox
Twice Bought
Uncle Wiggily's Adventures
Under Boy Scout Colors
The Valiant Runaways
The Water-Babies
When Lighthouses are Dark
When Shadows Die
Winning His Spurs-A Tale of the Crusades
The Wishing Well
Woodcraft Boys at Sunset Island
Work and Win-Noddy Newman on a Cruise
The Young Crusoe or The Shipwrecked Boy
The Young Marooners on the Florida Coast
The Young Railroaders
Zip -the Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier
Boy The Wandering Dog
Tilda Jane's Orphans
The Adventures of a Dog and a Good Dog Too
The Adventures of Bob White
The Adventures of Buster Bear
The Adventures of Grandfather Frog
The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck
The Adventures of Lightfoot the Deer
The Adventures of Old Man Coyote
The Adventures of Old Mr Toad
The Adventures of Paddy Beaver
The Adventures of Poor Mrs Quack
The Adventures of Prickly Porky
The Adventures of Puss in Boots Jr
The Adventures of Reddy Fox
The Adventures of Sammy Jay
The Adventures of Squirrel Fluffytail
The Adventures of Tommy Postoffice
The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum
The Aesop for Children
Among the Farmyard People
Among the Forest People
Among the Meadow People
Among the Pond People
Among the Trees at Elmridge
The Bad Little Owls
The Bear Family at Home
The Bears of Blue River
Billy Bunny and Daddy Fox
Billy Bunny and His Friends
Billy Bunny and Uncle Bull Frog
Billy Mink
The Biography of a Grizzly
Black Beauty
Black Beauty -Young Folks' Edition
The Black Fawn
Blackie A Lost Cat
Blacky the Crow
The Blue Cat of Castle Town
The Blue Fairy Book
Bobby Gray Squirrel's Adventures
Bonnie Prince Fetlar
The Book of Cats
The Book of Clever Beasts
The Book of the Cat
Bowser the Hound
The Brown Fairy Book
The Brownies-Their Book
Bruce -Albert Payson
Bumper the White Rabbit
Bumper the White Rabbit and His Friends
Bumper the White Rabbit in the Woods
Bunny Brothers
Buster Bear's Twins
Buster the Big Brown Bear
Cat Tales
Cats by the Way
The Cave Twins
A Chautauqua Idyl
The Chinese Kitten
Chinook the Cinnamon Cub
The Christmas Reindeer
Chunky the Happy Hippo
The Curious Book of Birds
Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys
Denslow's Three Bears
Dog Heroes of Many Lands
Don a Runaway Dog
Dooryard Stories
The Early Cave-Men
Fables in Rhyme for Little Folks
Flop Ear the Funny Rabbit
Flower-Patch Among the Hills
The Fox That Wanted Nine Golden Tails
From the Tower Window of My Bookhouse
The Giant Crab And Other Tales From Old India
The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
Grim-The Story of a Pike
Gypsy the Talking Dog
Happy Jack
The Heart of a Dog
How Mr Rabbit Lost His Tail
It's Like This Cat
The Jay Bird Who Went Tame
Johnny Crow's Garden
Johnny Crow’s Party
The Joyous Story of Toto
Kari the Elephant
The Kitten's Garden of Verses
Kittens and Cats
Kittyboy's Christmas
Letters from a Cat
The Life Story of a Black Bear
Lightfoot the Leaping Goat
Little Bear
A Little Brother to the Bear
The Little Colonel's Hero
The Little Foresters-A Story of Field and Woods
Little Jack Rabbit and Chippy Chipmunk
Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox
Little Jack Rabbit and the Squirrel Brothers
Little Jack Rabbit and Uncle John Hare
Little Jack Rabbit's Adventures
Little Joe Otter
Little Tales of the Desert
Lord Dolphin
Mappo the Merry Monkey
The Memoirs of a White Elephant
Mostly About Nibble the Bunny
Mother West Wind "How" Stories
Mother West Wind "When" Stories
Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories
Mother West Wind "Why Stories
Mother West Wind's Animal Friends
Mother West Wind's Children
Mowgli Stories from the Jungle Books
Mrs Peter Rabbit
My Doggie and I
My Father's Dragon
Neddie and Beckie Stubtail
Nero the Circus Lion
Nibble Rabbit Makes More Friends
Northern Trails Book 1
Old Granny Fox
Old Mother West Wind
Outa Karel's Stories
Peace On Earth Good-Will to Dogs
Penrod and Sam
Puss Junior and Robinson Crusoe
Pussy and Doggy Tales
Pussy Black-Face
Queer Little Folks
Rescue Dog of the High Pass
The Rock Frog
Rootabaga Stories
Sammie and Susie Littletail
School of The Woods
Shaggo the Mighty Buffalo
Sharp Eyes the Silver Fox
Six Little Ducklings
Slicko the Jumping Squirrel
The Song of the Cardinal
Squinty the Comical Pig
Stories of Birds
Stories of the First American Animals
The Story of Scraggles
The Story of the Three Little Pigs
Swamp Cat
Tad Coon's Great Adventure
The Tale of Benny Badger
The Tale of Betsy Butterfly
The Tale of Billy Woodchuck
The Tale of Bobby Bobolink
Tale of Brownie Beaver
The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail
The Tale of Buster Bumblebee V2
The Tale of Chirpy Cricket
The Tale of Cuffy Bear
The Tale of Daddy Long Legs
The Tale of Dickie Deer Mouse
The Tale of Fatty Coon
The Tale of Ferdinand Frog
The Tale of Freddie Firefly
The Tale of Frisky Squirrel
The Tale of Grandfather Mole
The Tale of Grumpy Weasel
The Tale of Grunty Pig
The Tale of Henrietta Hen
The Tale of Jasper Jay
The Tale of Jimmy Rabbit
The Tale of Jolly Robin
The Tale of Kiddie Katydid
The Tale of Major Monkey
The Tale of Master Meadow Mouse
The Tale of Mrs LadyBug
The Tale of Muley Cow
The Tale of Nimble Deer
The Tale of Old Mr Crow
The Tale of Paddy Muskrat
The Tale of Peter Mink
The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels
The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker
The Tale of Sandy Chipmunk
The Tale of Snowball Lamb
The Tale of Solomon Owl
The Tale of Timothy Turtle
The Tale Of Tommy Fox
The Tale of Turkey Proudfoot
Tales of a Poultry Farm
The Talking Thrush And Other Tales From India
Tamba The Tame Tiger-His Many Adventures
Three Little Kittens
Tommy and the Wishing Stone
Tommy Smith's Animals
Toto's Merry Winter
Toto the Bustling Beaver
Trading Jeff and His Dog
True Stories about Pets
Tum Tum the Jolly Elephant
Twinkle and Chubbins
Umboo The Elephant
Uncle Remus
Uncle Remus &-Friends
Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit
Uncle Wiggily and Old Mother Hubbard
Uncle Wiggily in the Woods
Uncle Wiggily in Wonderland
Uncle Wiggily on the Farm
Uncle Wiggily's Automobile
Uncle Wiggily's Travels
The Wavy Tailed Warrior
The White Czar-A Story of a Polar Bear
White Dandy-A Horse's Story
White Tail the Deer's Adventures
The Wind in the Willows
Winkie the Wily Woodchuck
The Wishing-Stone Stories
The Wolf Hunters
Wood Folk at School
Myths and Legends Around the World -Collection 05
Children's Short Works Vol 024
Children's Short Works Vol 010
Myths and Legends Around the World -06
The Adventures of Diggeldy Dan